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MeChat Wiki

Premium outfits are unlocked from going on dates. If you buy the suggested outfit, you will get a small scene where the love interest comments on it, and it will increase your bond with said character.

There are feminine and masculine versions of all outfits, and they are independent, meaning if you buy one you won't have the other. Outfits usually cost 25 Gems, except in the cases where the story starts with a date, then the outfit will be free. The oldest outfits used to cost 40 Gems - this changed in 4.7.0.

If you decide to purchase the outfit after the date, you can still replay the date it's associated with to get the bonus. The only difference is that the outfit will have a different symbol in the top corner (a basket).

Should you decide to reset the story once you're finished with a character, all purchased outfits will remain available to you in the outfit tab of the avatar section.

The subpages are sorted alphabetically by the matches first name

Base Game Outfits[]

Everyone has these outfits, they are unlocked and free from the start.

Event Outfits[]

These outfits come from different time-limited special events and/or In-Game Promos in MeChat.

Christmas 2024[]

This outfit was time-limited during the duration of the event.

4th Anniversary[]

This outfit became available after finishing all the collections that were a part of the 4th Anniversary event.

Halloween 2024[]

This outfit became available after finishing all four of the Devil's Advocates stories.

Magic Autumn Look 2024[]

This was available for purchase for a limited time from 09/27/24 thru 09/28/24.

Beach Episode Event[]

This outfit was time-limited during the duration of the event.

Valentine's 2024[]

This outfit was time-limited during the duration of the event.

Christmas 2023[]

This outfit was time-limited during the duration of the event.

3rd Anniversary[]

These outfits are purchasable during the match event dates.

Halloween 2023[]

This outfit was time-limited during the duration of the event.

Pride 2023[]

Unlike other event outfits this one is obtainable in the avatar section. Anyone can buy it for 25 Gems.

Glitched Outfits[]

These are some of the glitched outfits that've been in MeChat. They help us see more how MC's body is designed.
