Brook Roth is an available match in MeChat and the counterpart of Amina Tariko, and Lukia Oline.
Profile Picture Caption:
Hand me that 7/16 wrench from the drawer.
Profile Bio:
One thing you need to know about me: I can't really sing. 😂Sooo if you consider to bring me to karaoke, prepare for scary screeching pterodactyl noises😂😂😂
Brook has pink eyes, long brown hair with bangs, as well as a tattoo on her right leg and another tattoo on her left thigh. She has beige-colored skin and plump lips.
- Ready, steady, go! Make a first move and kiss Brook! -First race (1st date) (Gem option: Lean towards Brook and slowly kiss her)
- Test Drive Make love in the car! -Car show (4th date)
- New start! Receive news from Brook's new job. -Win or Lose? (5th date)
- The name Brook means ‘small stream.’ Additionally, it is of English origin.
- Brook cares a lot about her family.
- Brook often has little family reunions with her step-sister and mom from time to time.
- Brook only recently met her step-sister.
- She was also very close to her dad and loved him dearly.
- Brook inherited her workshop from her dad when he passed away.
- Brook likes doing it outdoors.
- Brook goes hiking often.
- Brook was rebellious as a teenager.
- Brook got her belly button pierced in the first year of high school.
- Brook was last in high school ten years ago which would put her in her mid-late 20s.
- Brook has a German Shepard named Odin.
- Brook found Odin when she was helping her dad during a race once and when she got out of the arena she saw Odin.
Promo Pictures[]
Special Events[]
Driven to Love - Small CG Version
(with Dylan Turner)
(with Dylan Turner)
Driven to Love - Full CG Version
(with Dylan Turner)
(with Dylan Turner)
Driven to Love - GIF Version
(with Dylan Turner)
(with Dylan Turner)
Weekly Releases[]
Weekly releases summary