Voice Description[]
Zane has a mid-range voice with a sultry tone and a posh accent.
Voice Messages[]
Voice Message 1: Don't tempt me. I can be persuasive. And, trust me, you wouldn't want to see what happens when I get creative with my methods. So, do yourself a favor, and eat something! Unless... you want to make this... interesting.
Voice Message 2: I get it! You're finally working for my attention, my sweet! *chuckles softly while speaking* And, your little game was entertaining, but it's going to take more than that to impress someone of my stature. Maybe, next time, forget the tail. Tie me to the bed and see what happens.
Voice Message 3: Don't sweat it. *chuckling* The absolute worst that could happen is you finally surrender to me completely. You'll be my perfect little pet, eager to please. Sounds like a dream come true... doesn't it?