This is a list of all achievements in MeChat, how to unlock them and the rewards you get from them. With some version updates different people might have all their achievements reset, and having to redo them, but getting the extra gems. Next level will be instantly ready for those on the subscription.
Standard achievements[]
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Choose an answer for Gems 5 times
- Level 2 (15 Gems) Choose an answer for Gems 15 times
- Level 3 (50 Gems) Choose an answer for Gems 50 times
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Complete 1 story
- Level 2 (20 Gems) Complete 15 stories
- Level 3 (50 Gems) Complete 40 stories
Photo album[]
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Reveal 5 photos
- Level 2 (15 Gems) Reveal 20 photos
- Level 3 (40 Gems) Reveal 100 photos
ASMR addict[]
- Level 1 (3 Gems) Unlock 2 voice messages
- Level 2 (5 Gems) Unlock 5 voice messages
- Level 3 (10 Gems) Unlock 10 voice messages
In touch[]
- Level 1 (3 Gems) Text a character offline 3 times
- Level 2 (15 Gems) Text a character offline 20 times
- Level 3 (40 Gems) Text a character offline 50 times
- (20 Gems) Connect account
Friends Circle[]
- (50 Gems) Invite 15 friends
Ready for action[]
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Purchase 50 Gems (for some people it's 10 Gems, or 100 Gems)
- Level 2 (_ Gems) Purchase _ Gems
- Level 3 (_ Gems) Purchase _ Gems
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Play 10 hours total
- Level 2 (15 Gems) Play 50 hours total
- Level 3 (50 Gems) Play 100 hours total
Next level[]
- (30 Gems) Get premium
Best offer[]
- Level 1 (10 Gems) Purchase 1 exclusive match
- Level 2 (30 Gems) Purchase 3 exclusive match
- Level 3 (80 Gems) Purchase 8 exclusive match
On the hook[]
- Level 1 (5 Gems) Go on 5 dates
- Level 2 (20 Gems) Go on 15 dates
- Level 3 (_ Gems) Go on 50 dates
- (10 Gems) Increase bond level with AI bot
- (40 Gems) Get 20 items for your avatar
Longevity award[]
- (20 Gems) Being on MeChat for 1 year or more❤️
Pride Month 2023[]
- Purchase any pride costume in June 2023
Halloween 2023[]
- (20 Gems) Finish all special episodes during the Halloween event!
Christmas 2023[]